Friday, June 24, 2011

THE Surf Report 6/24/11

Sons of Fun.

More typical June conditions this past week- fun SW swell, overcast conditions, and water temps in the mid 60’s. Today we actually have a rise in the SW swell with a new NW windswell joining our beaches. Head high peaks are the call with some bigger sets at the best OC spots.

Good news is that the NW will hold tomorrow and the SW will increase slightly for overhead sets in north county SD/OC and some head high sets in south SD. Should be a good weekend of surf for us. Unfortunately the overcast conditions should prevail. The models show a slight break Sunday afternoon for some sunshine but it’s been so off and on with the clouds lately I’m not sure what to believe. Just don’t expect glorious summer beach weather.  Tides are pretty mellow the next few days; 3’ at sunrise, 1’ at 10am, 5’ at 6pm and down to 4’ at sunset. Water temps are hovering in the mid-60’s.  And as always, keep up to date on the waves and weather at Twitter/North County Surf.  

After a good weekend of surf, the SW/NW combo holds into Monday. The southern hemisphere, tropics, and north Pacific look pretty quiet today unfortunately which means that for at least next week, it’s looking pretty small. I’m thinking by Wednesday it’s going to be pretty tiny around here. Make sure to surf your brains out the next few days!


It’s been almost impossible to figure out what this June Gloom is going to do. Some days the models show clouds all day then the sun peaks out around noon. Other days it’s supposed to be sunny and mild but then the clouds never break at the beach. Models again show no sun at the beaches this weekend but weak high pressure starts to build towards Sunday afternoon and early next week for less clouds at the beaches. If that’s the case, keep your fingers crossed they’re wrong and we at least see the sun for a couple hours late in the day. We should though have better conditions Monday through Wednesday of next week. After that it’s iffy again with the clouds towards next weekend as a late season storm may bring rain to San Fran (even for San Fran that’s odd for summer) and thicker clouds for us. Long story short- don’t expect great weather until at least early July.

Today is looking pretty fun but with a slight increase in the SW tomorrow and holding NW, Saturday should be the best bet. Just find a spot away from the crowds!

Not sure if you’ve heard about this company SPILLINEX or not, but I came across a story recently that the Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA) had written about their unique product. It’s been  discovered that one of the greatest absorbents the market has ever seen comes from the trash bags of shapers and surfboard foams suppliers. It is no secret that the surf community has battled the challenge of what to do with leftover polyurethane dust, which is the result of shaping a surfboard from a block of foam. A major product category for surf retail business, surfboard sales generated more than $160.6 million in 2010 according to the 2010 SIMA Retail Distribution Study. As a community, the surf industry strives to protect and preserve the very livelihood of their sport - the world's oceans and beaches. Staying true to their commitment to the environment, the SIMA Board Builders' Committee is proud to recognize a new solution for excess dust that will also protect the environment. California-based surfboard brands Lost Surfboards, Dewey Weber Surfboards, Soul Stix Surfboards, Stone Steps Manufacturing, T. Patterson Surfboards and Channel Islands Surfboards, along with foam manufacturers US Blanks and Surf Blanks America and cutting house Pro-Cam, have joined forces with the makers of SPILLINEX™. By donating their leftover dust to SPILLINEX™, shaping dust is now being reused rather than simply being disposed. As certified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be an environmentally safe sorbent for use during the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill, SPILLINEX™ is a powder compound that is used to contain and absorb a variety of liquids, including the ability to absorb oil in water, leaving clean water after removal. Surfboard dust accounts for up to 80% of the SPILLINEX™ composition. "As a surfboard brand owner and the Chairman of the SIMA Board Builder Committee, I know I can speak for most surfboard manufacturers when I say how excited I am about being involved with the team from SPILLINEX™ to help re-purpose our excess foam dust," said Shea Weber, SIMA Board Builder Committee Chairman and President of Dewey Weber Surfboards. "Not only have they found a home for our dust, but they've also come up with a compound utilizing it so that it actually helps protect the environment. The board builder community is passionate about protecting the environment and I want to thank SPILLINEX™ for taking the initiative to reach out to the SIMA Board Builder Committee and for allowing us to help them connect with some of our industry's leaders to make this dream a reality." From their inception, SPILLINEX™ has reused approximately 100,000 pounds of polyurethane shaping dust. Board builders have come together with SPILLINEX™ to coordinate a dust pickup program where SPILLINEX™ collects directly from the shapers and foam manufacturers' facilities between 15,000 and 20,000 pounds a month. Strengthening both the surf community and SPILLINEX™'s commitment to the environment, SPILLINEX™ has pledged to donate one cent per one pound of reused dust to the SIMA Environmental Fund. Through a grant-making program the SIMA Environmental Fund promotes twenty ecological and environmental organizations whose efforts are focused on enhancing the oceanic environment. "Our partnership with the surf community is perfect, because surfers love the ocean and we strive to protect it with our product SPILLINEX™," said SPILLINEX™'s Chief Executive Officer, Tom Rossi. "By using SPILLINEX™ to clean up auto fuel, oil, and other harmful chemical solutions, we are saving countless gallons of toxic components from entering drains that empty into a surfer's playground - the ocean. We have also all seen the horrendous damage caused by an oil spill in our oceans. In the unfortunate event of another oil spill, SPILLINEX™ has the capacity to be on the front lines of eradicating the oil from the water, thus saving sea life and keeping the water healthy for ocean lovers and surfers."

Got some cash to spend? Man have I got a property for you- right around the corner from Swami’s and only a mere $12 million. That’s about $60,000 a month in mortgage that you just have lying around the house anyway. That and more in the blog below!  


Considering today is all ‘combo’ and everything, the beach breaks around town should be a good call. And today’s Pic of the Week is from the golden land of beach breaks- France. Jimmy Wilson, aka ‘Jimmicane’, Surfing Magazine’s Florida photog extraordinaire, has captured a good example of what sun, sandbar, and surf should look like living in harmony. Make sure to check out more of Jimmy’s work here

Keep Surfing,

Michael W. Glenn
Traded to San Antonio
Making Leash Strings From Hemp