Friday, January 28, 2011

Deal Alert! West Wetsuits at

Bam! Wetsuits on sale! Nothing better. Well, next to winning the lottery. Or getting Swami's uncrowded. Or maybe getting one of those big pieces of mud pie at Chart House and...

Anyway, the air temp may be warm today but the water is freezing. Head on over to Seshday and sign up if you're not a member yet. It's free and you'll get stupid discounts like 4 mil West Wetsuits for $189- that's 40% off for all you bargain hunters. And for all you high performance guys- you know who you are- the ones riding the CI 5'8" Dumpster Divers and using 5' Creatures of Leisure leashes- West has a $169 all 2 mil fullsuit for the spring and fall sessions. You'll surf like Gumby. Which I think is a good thing...

And remember- all good things come to an end once the stock runs out so head over to Seshday now and get on it fool!