Thursday, April 14, 2011

Deal Alert! Kicks for Summer!

Seems like summer is finally here and the boys at Seshday are handing out deals on footwear this week. And it's the good stuff too- Sanuk is on board with their 'It's a Sandal Not A Shoe' program. Basically it's a shoe that's as comfortable as a sandal and all the cool kids are wearing them this spring. For $34.99 it's a steal- whether it's a shoe or not.

Or maybe your lady wants to get into the act, then check out the sandals for her- ranging in prices from $8.99 or $18.99.

And if it's my household, my groms will be begging for some kicks, so I'll have to throw down $19.99 for the 'Lumberjack'. Of course the name Lumberjack doesn't guarantee my groms will help out their old man and chop up some firewood or do yardwork but at least I can dream. Make sure to check out Seshday asap as when they're gone, they're gone...