Tuesday, April 26, 2011

God Loves Encinitas

Now before you get all up in arms about how my blog has turned into some religous soap box, relax. This story from the San Diego Union Tribune is about graffiti- or art- depending on your point of view. Seems as though the Cardiff Kook isn't the only piece of art drawing interest in this funky town. A few brazen fake 'construction workers' last week decided to put up a 10'x10' mosaic of a surfing Our Lady of Guadalupe (wearing booties no less- the water's still kind of cold) under the train trestle at the entrance to downtown Encinitas (where Encinitas Blvd. meets highway 101). Looks kind of cool actually. Unfortunately, it's still 'defacing' public property says Encinitas Planning Director Patrick Murphy, so it will be taken down and the pigeon poop will surface again under the bridge. If you haven't seen it yet, head on down tomorrow before it's gone!