Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Clip of the Day: Michel Man-Turns

Is your idea of a hero Richard Cram? Taylor Knox? Greg Noll? Poto? Dane Kealoha? Tired of seeing reverse airs in 2' shorebreak? Are Trix for kids? Is your idea of a good time laying it all on your rail and pushing hard in the pocket on an 8' wall? How about bottom turning so hard you break a fin out? Then look no further: Michel Bourez is here to save surfing. Yes, Tahiti's ASP warrior (actually he's The Spartan- aptly named) brings old school power back to the tour. Sure he can blow the tail out when needed- but it's only because he's pushing his off the lips so hard. So if you're tired of seeing tail slides at Trestles, then feast your eyes on Michel's Man-Turns...