Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Surf Check 1/24/12

Looks fun out there today. A little mixed up from the storm yesterday but it's clean and there's some corners. Sets are head high from the NW and not much of a crowd around town. South SD has the odd overhead set.

The swell unfortunately peaked last night but there's still lots of good waves to be had.

Unfortunately the tide is pretty high and peaking mid-morning about 6' but the beachbreaks still look rideable due to the size and good shape. The surf is looking small tomorrow- probably waist high with chest high sets in south county SD but we have more surf on the way.

Thursday afternoon we start to see a new NW filling in for some head high waves in north county SD/OC and overheads sets in south SD. South OC sees some chest high waves. By Friday morning that swell is already backing down but there might be some fun waves if you crack it early. Long term is looking ugly. After the swell on Thursday night, there's not much swell on the charts for us in the next 5 days. Best case is some new NW by the early next week and even that doesn't look too impressive.

On the flipside, the weather is going to be great the next few days with even some light offshore winds in SD and they typical stronger 'Santa Ana's' in the OC. Those will start tomorrow and back off Thursday. By Thursday and Friday though, temps at the beaches will be mid to high 70's. Perfect timing for that new fun NW swell. Get either the low tide reef session Thursday evening while the swell fills in or the high tide beach break session Friday morning while the swell is on the way down. Either way, just get it before the weekend goes flat!