Friday, February 10, 2012

THE Surf Report 2/10/12

Wow was that some amazing surf this week. We had another odd storm stay parallel to our coast mid-week (just like a similar set up a couple months ago) and so as the storm drifted into northern Baja, we had swell coming to us from the S. Wednesday looked like there was summer southern hemi swell in the water and the weather even looked like summer. Then a storm out in the north Pacific later in the day sent WNW swell our way and met up with the odd SW swell and by sunset on Wednesday into Thursday, there were peaks galore all over southern California. Even the negative tides late in the day couldn’t put a damper on the shape.

Today we have continued WNW swell for head high+ sets in north county SD/OC, some overhead+ sets in south SD, and south OC has some shoulder high waves. Saturday morning starts off slow but (but still fun waves- it just won’t be firing like it has been the past few days) and then we have more overhead NW swell lining up for Saturday afternoon into Sunday with 10’ sets in south SD. Should be a fun weekend of surf (if the fog doesn’t screw things up- more on that below).

Tides the next few days are 1’ at sunrise, 5.5’ at 11am, and down to 0’ sunset.  Water temps are still cold. Make sure to keep up to date on the waves and weather at Twitter/North County Surf.


After a good weekend of surf, Monday morning starts off small but then we have yet another overhead NW lining up for Monday afternoon. Bam! Look for 10’ sets in south SD and shoulder high sets in south OC. That swell lasts into Wednesday morning then we get a break the 2nd half of the week. Unfortunately by Friday it’s looking pretty flat. Charts though show more activity in the north Pacific so I’m hoping by late Saturday we’re getting more overhead surf around here.


Got a little change in the weather for the next 7 days. If you like sunny skies, light wind, and temps in the 70’s, then next week is not for you. We’ve got some weak cold fronts going by to the north and that in turn will make low clouds/drizzle on tap for Saturday. Sunday it clears out and we’ve got sunny skies and cool temps. By Monday the next weak front moves through and there’s a chance of showers and variable winds- probably lasting through Wednesday morning. Nothing major but the summer type weather will be gone. Late in the week things warm up and we’ve got nice weather again. Long story short, cooler weather on tap Saturday through Wednesday with drizzle/showers off and on.

Tough call. Sunday morning we have new swell and I’m hoping the low clouds/drizzle will be gone. Tuesday morning there will be new swell too but maybe SW winds and showers. Then Sunday it is!

Did you hear about the app that lets you track Great Whites? How awesome is that- the next time you pull up to Swami’s and check the conditions, you can also check to see if the men in the gray suits are also in the line up! The San Diego Union Tribune newspaper reported recently that the Fallbrook-based Marine Conservation Science Institute has released a new smartphone app that allows users to follow the movements of white sharks in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. The institute has tagged 22 white sharks over the years with custom-built satellite transmitters used for researching where sharks spend their time. The app, called Expedition White Shark, costs $3.99 on iTunes. "This is our latest innovative way to help raise nonprofit funds in this very challenging economy," said institute president Michael Domeier. "People are getting a fun app for their modest donation. The app does have its limits. Positions for tagged sharks can only be calculated when the animals are at the surface with their dorsal fin out of the water for several minutes. "Each signal beamed to us from space adds to our growing knowledge of the life history of this species," according to the marine institute. "The MCSI satellite tagging of great white sharks leads to many important new findings regarding white shark biology, and each day brings promise of a new discovery that you can make with us!" A veteran marine researcher, Domeier has followed the white sharks using monitoring devices that have stayed on long enough to provide intriguing clues about their travel patterns to the mid-Pacific. He came to public prominence in 2010 as the central figure in the National Geographic television series “Expedition Great White,” which later was renamed “Shark Men.” It showed Domeier and his colleagues stalking the animals at sea, lifting them out of the water onto a specially outfitted boat and taking biological samples before releasing them. When the show launched, conservationists and researchers debated whether the dramatic footage accurately represented marine biology and whether the public nature of his research undermined the peer-review process. Domeier made no apologies, citing the challenge of keeping his institute afloat during a recession. Regardless, his new app is pretty remarkable even with its limitations. Make sure to check the whole story here.


Have you heard about the new Lib Tech surfboards, err, I mean waterboards? Is it the next big thing? Also, got some reconnaissance footage of Jordy in South Africa during his downtime from the tour last month. And of course some deals to save you dinero- like Electric accessories, Skullcandy headphones, and more. And of course the mid-week Surf Check and a more in-depth THE Surf Report- all of that and more in the blog below!


Think it’s cold here in the winter? You know, high 40 air temps for the dawn patrol, choosing between your 3/2 or 4/3, maybe the wind is blowing offshore at 10mph? You ain’t seen nuthin’. We’ve got it good here in So-Cal. You want real winter? How about Canada? You’ll be lucky to get air temps above 0, water temps in the 30’s, and maybe the odd grizzly to greet you in your 6/5/4. Now that’s a good time. For more of Canada’s best, check out SBCSurf.

Keep Surfing,

Michael W. Glenn
Phantom Menace
Surf Switchfoot At Carnivals For A Living