Monday, March 12, 2012

Clips of the Day: Take Your Pick

It's amazing how quickly pros are shot on video, edited, and posted to the web. Usually in the same day. Like Mitch Coleburn a few days ago in Oz no less ripping some junky warm water ramps. I remember when I was a kid (insert snoring sound here) it would take months to see the latest clips. Heck- I didn't even know who won the '86 world title until Surfer Magazine hit the shelves months after the fact (it was Curren by the way- but I knew he was going to win regardless). Anyway, even if the surf is junk, it's worth posting that night, and why not? It's disposable web video. It's not like you just paid $49.95 for a VHS tape of Beyond Blazing Boards.

And if you don't know what the Beyond Blazing Boards reference is, then I'm proud of you. You've got 80 more years to live and I only have 40. But regardless, every session is now filmed and every wave capture and nothing goes undocumented. Like the clip above of Taj test riding some Mayhem's down the street from Biolos' shaping bay in San Clemente last month.

Or local hero Brett Simpson getting some fun waves on the Gold Coast just after the first event of the year- last week- down at Snapper rocks.

And here's one of my all time favorites- Cory Lopez surfing- well all over the place actually. And a soundtrack by Social Distortion nonetheless (how do those guys at ...Lost get away with it)?

Whether you like new school (Mitch/Simpo) or old school (Taj/Cory- gasp- I can't believe Taj and Cory are considered old school now), it's all ripping no matter how you slice it. And it just happened yesterday.