Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Clip of the Day: Real Waves Are Overrated

There's been a lot of talk the past few years of Greg Webber's and Kelly Slater's competing wave pool technologies. Sure the wave pool in Dubai that Dion made famous is pretty killer, but it's old technology that 'Big Surf' in Tempe, AZ put on the map back in the late 60's. Greg and Kelly's technologies (supposedly proven but no financing) was born from boat wakes. Both of their theories is to push water around a pool like it's being generated by a boat. That's the simple explanation. Until one of their pools are built, we'll have to stick to 'Freeboarding'- basically surfing behind a boat.
And I don't mean the type of 'wakesurfing' that wakeboarding has generated the past decade (that's a whole other story). I mean taking a big ol' boat out in the ocean, lake, river, etc. and grabbing your 5'10" and surfing 'til your legs give out. Like today's 'Clip of the Day'. Not sure how I missed this video- it came out a year ago- sorry for the lag time- it's of Taj Burrow and Kolohe Andino during a little down time in Rio last year. Basically they're getting 20 turns in, a few airs, and enjoying a coldie on the boat. Life isn't bad being a pro on the 'CT.