Thursday, July 21, 2011

Deal Alert! Cheap Channel Islands Surfboards (Again)!

Cheap is a relative term- especially when you're talking about an Al Merrick designed board. I should know, I just bought a K-Whip and had to sell my liver to get it. But it's like the old saying goes- "You get what you pay for". You want a board ridden by the world's best, designed by the world's best, rides like a dream, AND is durable? Then you combine Kelly Slater, Al Merrick, and Surftech to create 3 boards- a 6'3", 6'6", and 6'9" step ups. Found online at Department of Goods this week, these are unique specimens- they're rounded pins so you'll want some real waves, preferably bowly to ride it. It's also a Surftech epoxy- while durable- is also lighter. Good if you want a bigger board to turn like a shorter board. Bad if there's some bump on the water as you'll be bouncing around. But for $632, it's a steal compared to $840 retail. And you're not paying tax which shaves off another $50 or so. Wanna see how a Channel Islands surfboard works in one of the world's best waves? The have a peak at the clip below of Dane and Kelly getting loony.