Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Surf Check 4/11/12

Plenty of surf out there today but just plain junky. Winds started blowing from the SE yesterday afternoon, switched to SW this morning, and is now going W at 15mph and hasn't let up since.

We've got a couple fun swells in the water- a chest high NW and a chest high SW for shoulder high combo sets but the advertised wind is making it pretty much unrideable. Unfortunately as one storm exits the region today we have another one on it's heels for tomorrow night- so expect more of the same wind problems tomorrow.
And the tide is negative mid-morning so the surf will look twice as bad. Tide comes back up to 3.5' late afternoon. Water was starting to warm up slightly the past few days but all the wind lately is going to knock it back down to the high 50's again.
In regards to the storm I mentioned above coming down the pike tomorrow night, it should be similar in strength to today's storm. That should last through Friday. Hopefully we'll have clean conditions by Saturday!

With the storm Friday, at least we'll get some surf from it by the afternoon. Look for head high junky NW swell with leftover sets on Saturday. Good news is that if the storm cleans up quickly enough, Saturday may be a fun day as we have a new shoulder high SW showing up for the weekend. By Sunday the NW will be backing off but the SW will be peaking. Not much going on for next week unfortunately- no real major storms on the charts. Get it this weekend if you can!