Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Surf Check

Oh boy. Where do I start. Hope you're sitting down for this. Ready? Ok, here goes. It's bad out there. Real bad. But it's been that way for awhile now- like 18 months- so you're kind of numb by now I assume. Anyway, here's the meat and potatoes:

Today we have small knee high surf from the NW/SW with south SD getting some waist high sets from the NW and the OC getting some waist high sets from the SW. Doesn't matter though- it's been windy well before dawn from the SW so it's pretty junky out there.

Tides are also playing havoc with the tiny waves and bumpy conditions. They're 3' at sunrise, up to 6' at 9am, and down to -1' at sunset. Water temps are holding at 63.

As far as our weather goes, we had a quick shot of showers last night from a weak passing cold front and we've got more on the way. Looks like up to 1/4" of rain coming late Wednesday into Thursday with maybe a couple more drops for Friday. The weekend looks to be partly cloudy and cool- with maybe some offshore winds from the departing low pressure system. Hopefully by early next week we'll be back to normal around here.

As far as our waves go, we had a promising SW on the charts last week that turned out to be a dud. The OC will only get some waist high sets from it late tomorrow into Thursday. Down here it's more of the same- just little NW windswell and windy conditions to boot. Charts though do show a slight increase in the NW windswell towards Friday/Saturday for maybe some waist high waves here in north county SD and chest high sets in south SD. Yahoo!

After that it's a big box of nothing for Xmas. Charts don't show any large organized storms headed our way from either the SW or NW so it's looking pretty bleak next week. Argh!

So until then, enjoy the small windy surf the next few days with hopefully some waist high+ waves the 2nd half of the week!