Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Surf Check

Winter is here- 2 weeks late. But at least we're getting some surf out of it.
Little shots of NW swell the past week- along with junky conditions. We've had some SW swell too but it's hard to see in the middle of all this mess.

Speaking of SW, swell started to fill in yesterday that will peak tomorrow. But there's new NW filling in too- along with more wind from a little low pressure system coming down the coast this afternoon- so the SW swell is pretty lost out there.
The NW looks solid- but so does the wind. Look for overhead sets tomorrow morning and breezy NW winds along with it.
As far as the junky conditions go- we have another spring time storm headed our way this afternoon. Look for off and on showers this afternoon with close to 1/4" at the coast. There's one more weak front forecasted for Friday but it lacks any real moisture so it won't be a problem. After that, high pressure sets up for the weekend into early next week for sunny skies and warm conditions- just like San Diego is supposed to be.
After the stormsurf exits the region this week, we have a small NW showing late Saturday into Sunday morning. Look for chest high sets here and shoulder high in SD. At least the weather will be nice.
Of real interest is the SW showing on the charts in the southern hemisphere in a few days. We have a little forerunner which may arrive around the 9th of April for chest high waves in the OC then the real one (shown above) will fill in towards the 13th. Hopefully we'll see some head high+ waves here and overhead sets in the OC- along with good weather finally!