Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hide the Women and Children!

Say it isn't so! Wal Mart may be headed to Encinitas. Now before we all go storm the castle and torch the ogor's, I understand that times are tight and getting a deal on a TV, groceries, etc. is helpful right about now. But seriously, have you seen the freaks that vacation at Wal Mart? It's like the carnival closed and now they're wandering the streets, looking for a place to squat.

The San Diego Union Tribune today is reporting that the former Home Expo site (you know, Home Depot's rich younger brother) is looking to fill it's vacancy. It's been out of business a couple years now due to the recession and unfortunately Encinitas has some empty big box stores (the former Circuit City, Linens 'N' Things, and of course Home Expo) so commercial realtors have been desperate to fill those spots for awhile.

The reason Wal Mart didn't fill the Expo spot earlier is because the Encinitas city council didn't think there was enough parking space for the 104,000 square foot store. Wal Mart's proposal though is to make the store smaller and fill the extra space with a movie theatre. The theory is less people visit a smaller store and in return traffic is stretched through the day (daytime Wal Mart, nighttime movie theatre).
Personally, if I needed a deal at Wal Mart, I'd just drive to the other 17 convenient locations in San Diego County. My gawd they're multiplying like Starbucks! I don't think #18 in Encinitas will really enhance my life. And yes, the picture below really is a pet skunk someone really brought to the store. Looking forward to getting a great deal on banjos, moonshine, and overalls!