Saturday, May 7, 2011

Demo Today- Channel Islands, O'Neill, and More!

The crew at Surf Ride are having a mega surfboard and wetsuit demo today at Seaside Reef. Looking for a board to ride in the summer slop? Today's the perfect day with the small swell, low tide, south wind, and overcast skies. Why not ride a Whip like Slater rides. Heard about the Hyperfreak O'Neill wetsuit hype but haven't seen one yet? With water temps hovering around a cold 60 degrees, there's no reason not to slip one one today. Not sure how Firewire surfboard technology works? Ask the rep this morning. Swap out some FCS fins and find the right combination for speed and looseness on your board. That and a million other things going on this morning from 8-2. Better than mowing the lawn today so get on it!