Thursday, August 9, 2012

Clip of the Day: Airs Airs And More Airs

Airs are starting to get a bad name since every kid in the book it seems can do a reverse air now. Judges on the ASP are even starting to fall asleep watching guys like Jadson, Miguel, Gabriel, etc. Or maybe it's just the Brazillians. Regardless, if you're constantly throwing reverse airs on every wave and not burying the rail, it's pretty stagnant. On the other hand, if you have a contest that's JUST airs, then guys go big, over shallow reef might I add, and crazy airs are dreamed up. Like the Kustom Airstike- 1 boat, 5 surfers, 4 webisodes, and $50k for the best air. Winner takes all. But you need a solid crew to pull it off. So take multiple Innersection winner Albee Layer, throw in the flavor of the month John John Florence, wunderkid Matt Meola, Australia's next big air guy Ryan Callinan, and current big thing Chippa Wilson, and you get some huge rotations- some made, some not. Let's just hope no one gets hurt.