Thursday, August 23, 2012

North County Business News: Wine, Java, and Homesteads

It's almost here! Encinitas' 71st Starbucks! Actually, it's the 9th. Better I guess than the 9th Walmart. Anyway, the new location off the NW corner of Leucadia Blvd. and the 5 Freeway is slated to open at the end of the month. My wife will be the first one there- either as a walk-in or the drive through- or both.
And almost a year ago, the North County Surf blog was complaining, err, commenting on the big vacant piece of land on Vulcan and Ashbury, across the street from the train tracks in north Leucadia. Well it seems there's some activity finally! I haven't been able to corner, err, ask someone on-site what the latest commotion is, but they've put a ton of plywood, 2x4's, etc. on the lot so I'm assuming they'll be building something soon. New houses maybe? As soon as I get the scoop, I'll let you know.
And back in January, the blog was reporting on the new winery going in to the spot just north of Karina's Taco Shop- about 1/2 block north of Leucadia Blvd. at Highway 101- next door to the new Swell Stuff Wetsuit Repair location. Rumor had it, construction would take a couple years and they wouldn't be open until the end of 2013. Well it looks like the Solterra Winery is flying over there and they should have the structure up by the end of this year and I'd assume staffed, with furniture, by next summer. Looks pretty cool- winery, good food, lots of windows- I like to think of it as Union Kitchen and Tap north. Just kidding. Make sure to keep up to date on the latest north county business news at the North County Surf blog!