Thursday, June 5, 2014

North County New Business News: Random Happenings

Ran across all kinds of random stuff last week. All good- just random. The first here is my favorite. Took the groms to Seaside last weekend and just as I was pulling into the parking lot I ran into this: Calexico Creamery. Didn't actually run into it, just happened to come across it. Anyway... it was a hot almost summer day and ice cream was the perfect remedy. Seems as though this little trailer travels all over SD and sets up shop at Balboa Park, Ponto, Seaside of course- you name it. And they've got fantastic ice cream with a touch of flair- Mexican Ice Cream. Flavors like brown sugar/banana, Mexican eggnog, café con leche, the drunken pumpkin, and heaps more. Since there's no snack shack or restaurant within 20 miles of Seaside (ok- Las Olas is a 1/2 mile away but I'm not walking down there for a snack), Calexico Creamery has got it made. Make sure to check out their Twitter handle at Twitter/CalexicoSD to find out where they're going to set up camp next.
And in the shopping center that landed Pizza Port, Tommy V's, and Board & Brew (thank you dear Lord), Carlsbad's Bressi Ranch is expanding again. They just started building a new 5,000 square foot structure next to Trader Joe's and there aren't tenants yet- but they've a successful mix over there and it's an affluent community- so I assume it won't be a Jack in the Box or a TJ Maxx. Make sure to check back next month to see who your new neighbors are.
Last but not least- what's the one thing Encinitas is lacking? No it's not Mexican restaurants, Yoga studios, or surf spots- it's nice lodging. Now I'm not saying Encinitas needs a Montage around here, but when the nicest accommodations you can offer your in-laws is the Best Western at the corner of Vulcan and Encinitas Blvd., then something's gotta give.
Luckily, the Pacific Surf Inn in Leucadia is stepping up to the plate. There's a sign on their door that said they are remodeling. Hope they stick to their word. Rumor has there's a new owner- a developer in town who's done a few remodels like Café Ipe/Surfy Surfy. If he can the vibe consistent and not build some maxed out 3 story monster, it might be a cool place to stay. At least they can finally take down the sign that advertises 'color TV's by RCA'. My gosh- is RCA still in business?
Long story short, there's not a lot of room to work with here (it's next door to Haggo's on the corner of W. Glaucus and Highway 101) but if they can make it nice and keep a steady stream of travelers in here, it would help the foot traffic of the surrounding businesses.