Thursday, December 15, 2011

Clip of the Day: Hawaiian Holiday

Lost in all the Medina/John John/Kolohe hoopla lately has been a couple guys named Dane/Jordy/Jadson. Seems like the 'next' wave of superstars is coming and going faster nowadays. Weren't we just talking about Taj/Fanning/Bruce?! Let alone Machado/Dorian/Herring? Man do I feel old. Anyway, Jordy Smith is still ripping and having fun on his offtime from the tour. Still hanging witkh supermodels and getting personal tours of Maui from pal Cheyne Magnusson. Check out the Clip of the Day as Jordy surfs the warm water version of J-Bay otherwise known as Honolua Bay. Or is J-Bay the coldwater version of Honolua Bay?! Regardless, it looks darn fun and a heck of a lot warmer than flat North County this week. Make sure to check out the whole video and watch Jordy's graceful exit from the surf along the rocks. See, pro surfers are just like us!