Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wax Wars!

Seems like everyone is battling nowadays. We've Occupy vs. Wall Street. We've got Starbucks vs. coffee shops. We've got Owen vs. Kelly. We've even got Kim vs. Kris. Can't we all just get along? And now the latest battle is surfboard wax. Seems as though Nat Young from Santa Cruz (not the Oz legend) had been using a 'secret' wax for the past year or so and gave some to pal Kolohe Andino.

Kolohe then saw Taj Burrow at the Quiksilver New York Pro a couple months ago and gave him a chunk. Taj freaked on it and told everyone he wouldn't use anything else. Well the 'secret' is out and it's not actually a secret- you just can't get it here in the states- yet. The stuff is called FU Wax from Brazil and it's super sticky. Sticky like it has the consistency of honey. The pros claim that once they get to their feet, they can't move them. Like velcro to help you land those big reverse airs.

Well the boys at Bubble Gum have been making all kinds of wax over the years and back in the 80's they made some stuff with the feel of molasses called Icky Sticky Ooey Gooey. But the fad wore off as everyone didn't want to smear wax all over their decks but rather build it up into nice little beads. But as all fads come back around some time or another (except Webs I hope), the pros are touting super sticky wax again. So Bubble Gum is making a new batch called 'Gu Wax' (clever) and selling it at shops. Basically you still need a basecoat to create some beads on your deck, then apply the super sticky sap on top. So where does this leave the Brazillian 'Fu Wax'? Well with all the hype, they are supposedly coming to the states in the near future. The website isn't up and running yet but you should be able to get more info in the near future at In the meantime, just use whatever you feel comfortable with, don't believe the hype, and get your nostalgia on at the Surf Wax Museum.