Thursday, July 5, 2012

Clip of the Day- The Clarke-Jones and Carroll Show

Two of my favorite surfers of all time are Ross Clarke-Jones and Tom Carroll. Ross for his cutbacks that are only 2nd to Crammy's and Tom for 'The Snap' at Pipeline. Oh- and their great acting skills in Mad Wax. (R.I.P. Sainga). Well both boys have been busy the last few years chasing some gawd awful surf- big burly cold windy ugly messes in the middle of the ocean. Seems as though that what you do in your middle age- guess I should take up golf. Anyway, they've been chasing some mutants lately and their adventures are coming to the big screen this fall- first in Australia and hopefully to the US shortly thereafter. Should be a good time based on the trailer- lots of laughs and cringing moments all around. Make sure to check back on the North County Surf Blog for times and locations here in the states later this year.