Wednesday, September 3, 2014

North County Business News: Sick Surf Swap!

It's back! The Board, err, Wetsuit, err, Fin, err Leash, awwww Whatever Swap! In case you missed it last year, it was basically the best time you could have when you're not surfing. So what is the Board Swap exactly? Well, you know all that old surf junk you have lying around your garage- like those extra FCS fins that are too stiff for you (or maybe you're just stiff 'cause you're 40), or that old 7'6" collecting dust that you SWORE you would ride when it got big again (and it hasn't been big in years), or that 3/2 fullsuit you bought your grom and he outgrew it in 2 weeks?! YES! That stuff! Bring it on down to the Leucadia Roadside Park early in the morning of Saturday, September 13th.
The Leucadia Roadside Park for you out-of-towners is the little park at the end of Leucadia Blvd. as you're heading down to surf Beacons. If you went straight- you'd run straight in to the park. But don't do that of course or there won't be a park to have the Board Swap. Last year I unloaded a TON of stuff. Like 6 pairs of FCS fins, 2 leashes, a couple wetsuits, and 2 boards. Not too shabby in a few hours. Plus I saw a ton of bros, talked some surf, and with all the money I made, I bought a...
Channel Islands for the groms at the Board Swap! Of course it didn't look as nuts as this when we bought it, but the groms dragged it home, threw a new tail pad on it, slapped on some stickers, added a Go Pro mount of course, and named it the 'Hobbit'. It actually rides like a dream if you can just keep your eyes from burning when looking at the dayglo colors. Make sure to clean out your garage in the coming days and head on down there on the 13th!