Sunday, February 6, 2011

Employee of the Month

Always been a fan of people who start their own businesses. There's something to be said for walking away from the 9-5 cubicle and heading out on your own without a safety net. One of those people is Jonathan Hanwit. A surfer originally from Virginia Beach, home of WRV, the East Coast Surfing Championships, and Wes Laine, Jonathan moved to the west coast in search of more waves. With his wife Guusje Bendeler, in 2003 they formed Parallax in San Diego. The idea was to bring a branding and interactive agency that creates precise messaging and smart visuals. After growing the last 7 years, they moved to downtown Encinitas. Guujse says they needed more office space, Jonathan says it was to be closer to the surf of Encinitas.
Regardless, Parallax wants to bring graphic and interactive designs that influence how people think and react in the world. Clients range from product focused start-ups to service oriented Fortune 500 companies such as Qualcomm. So if your company needs help with branding, campaigns, interactive, print or advertising, make sure to give them a call. As long as the surf isn't firing.