No real surf to speak of the last few days. Clean little NW/SW combo today but only about waist high. Some beachbreaks around town had some rideable waves if you got on it early and with the incoming tides. Nothing to skip work over but if you had the time you could have gotten a couple turns in.
Currently we have feeble 3' NW swell on the Point Conception buoy along with 1' SW swell.
Things start to change though in the coming days as some fast moving storms in the Pacific head our way to give us surf and unfortunately rain/wind again. Looks like the surf starts to build slightly tomorrow from the NW- only an additional foot- maybe best beaches in south SD will have a chest high set by sundown- but don't count on much. The better surf will be towards Thursday evening and Friday- just when the rain and wind arrive again. Typical.

You can see in the image above that swell starts to fill in towards Thursday while the bulk is headed our way for Friday. Nothing too big but head high sets in north SD/OC, overhead sets in south SD, and some waist to chest waves in south OC. Looks like clouds thicken up Thursday and maybe some showers late Friday. There's a better chance of rain on Saturday. Not as big as the storm last weekend but at least it will add to our rain totals as we're still years behind in our drought status. Long story short, Friday morning may be the call as the storm won't be on top of us yet and we'll have new NW in the water. Plan your surf session accordingly!