Saturday, February 5, 2011

Surf Check 2/5/11

Good morning surfer! Still have some fun NW in the water this morning. The Point Conception buoy has dropped slightly- yesterday it was around 8' at 17 seconds from 280 degrees (waves around town were about head high+ from the west) and today it's 6' at 12 seconds from 300 degrees- looks to be about shoulder high and has turned more towards the northwest. High tide is around 10 AM- a 5' tide and is dropping to 0' around 4pm. There is also some small SW in the water- only about knee high though- maybe waist high in the OC. Since the dominant swell is the NW groundswell, beaches tend to be pretty lined up. If you'll notice on the video above, reefs are the best bet. It's also COLD. Air temps this morning at dawn were high 30's/low 40's. That's almost a 20 degree difference from the 57 degree water temp. So cold in fact, steam was coming off the ocean. Hope you have a 4/3 in your stable. Look for the surf to drop some more tomorrow- so get it now!