Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Surf Check 9/6/11

Great surf the past few days has been replaced by great conditions today but small surf. We just have some leftover SW with a touch of NW for waist high waves with maybe a rare chest high set far north SD and the OC. Not flat but not firing like the weekend.

All the swell the past few days too has upwelled the water and it's sitting at a cold 60 degrees. Unfortunately I don't think it's going to warm up that quick since we're already in September so it may be a tough call to claim we'll be in trunks again this year- especially now that we're headed towards fall and October.

We should have an outside chance of showers again today and winds will be light. The humidity is making it feel like the tropics- kind of awesome. Looking further out, the nice weather should turn to more clouds and fog towards Thursday but models hint at another slight warm up with tropical clouds again towards the weekend.

On the surf forecast front, looks like we have a small SW headed our way for late Thursday with chest high+ waves and an early season small chest high NW groundswell (with a touch of windswell) towards Saturday. Hopefully the combination of swells will make for a fun weekend of surf. And let's pray the water warms up slightly! Make sure to keep up to date on the swells and conditions at Twitter/North County Surf.