Monday, November 28, 2011

Clip of the Day: French Fry

Marc's Journal #9 from FMG on Vimeo.
Pretty straightforward Clip Of The Day here- just good old fashioned beach break ripping. The only difference I guess is that's from French wunderkind Marc Lacomare. It's amazing how quickly the state of surfing is changing right now- from Australians Julian Wilson/Jack Freestone to Brazilians Miguel Pupo/Gabriel Medina to Americans John John Florence/Kolohe Andino. And now France's Marc Lacomare, the 2010 World Junior Champion. The groms are coming out of the woodwork and they're tearing it up faster than any other group of kids before them AND from all corners of the earth. If you thought it was hard to copy Curren and damn near impossible to surf like Slater, don't even think about going blow for blow with this next generation.